Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Dealio (Results from the PET Scan)

The PET Scan results have indicated that the areas on my bones have improved and/or disappeared (Sa-weeeeet!).  Now, as for my liver... there are areas on my liver that are responding great to the treatment (Woohooo!), but there are also areas on my liver that aren't responding at all (Boooooo!).  Now to me, that's not necessarily bad news... I mean thank goodness these areas aren't getting bigger!!  BUT I'm also not pumping my body full of toxins to remain "stable" if you know what I mean!  I'm in it to kick some serious ass and get rid of this crap!!  So thankfully my Dr and I are on the same page and we're wanting to figure out why there are certain areas responding and some that are not.  So where do we go from here, you ask?!?  Well, on Monday I will have a liver biopsy... taking samples of both areas to determine why they're responding differently.  I'll have a follow up appt on Tuesday w/ Dr. H to discuss the results.  

Also, as far as the tumor marker is concerned...  It has increased from 142.4 to 150.3.  Not quite the direction I was hoping for, but the nurse I talked to said that Dr. H is NOT terribly concerned... especially since I'll be getting the biopsy on Monday to figure out what's going on.  Plus, from what I remember... the time before last it was in the mid 150's so we haven't fallen too far off track.

So again, this is us taking a half step backwards, but I'm also looking at it as gaining momentum to start taking that flying leap forward... "to infinity and beyond!"  I swear, I don't end EVERY blog entry w/ a movie quote!  ;)

1 comment:

  1. Well, the news is not GREAT... but I know from your days at the gym, that this is the way Casey Rolls.. She comes in all gung ho, then takes a lil' step back before putting into HIGH gear and really Kicking Ass!! Don't let the numbers get ya. you are right on track!!! Keep up the great work!! Love ya!!
