Tuesday, September 25, 2012

What's your excuse?

After having an MRI on my hip last Friday, the results did not make a very convincing case for radiation.  YES… another cancer first has been postponed!  The bone mets do in fact appear stable.  This is great news!  There are however small ligament tears and strained tendons that might be causing the pain in my hip.  From what I understand, torn tendons can be caused by strenuous activity or even athletic injuries.  Since I haven’t been involved in any strenuous activities or athletic events lately, I think we can chalk this up to me being “fragile.”  You know, there's a reason I played golf in high school.  Anyway, since I’m tolerating the pain fairly well, I’m going to be taking it easy in hopes these “kinks” work themselves out.  If the pain persists and gets worse, then we’ll have several options to move forward from there, but at this time… I have a great excuse to sit on my ass! 

P.S.  I'll be starting the new cocktail/trial drug MM-111 on Monday, October 8th and I'll be back on a weekly infusion.  

Thursday, September 20, 2012


Well, I wish I had something funny to say or comment on, but I'm mentally zapped and figured I should at least update my blog with what's going on.  I had a CT scan last week and the 3 lesions that we're down to on my liver have all increased in size.  Nothing to be alarmed about, but at the same time Dr. H is thinking this cocktail may not be my secret weapon.  In another week or two I'll be starting a new cocktail which will be a trial drug.  It's called MM-111 (I know, I don't even have something witty or sarcastic to say about the name) and I'll be taking it with an oral drug I've taken before, Tykerb.  In the meantime, my hip has been bothering me so we're discussing possible radiation options to help with the pain.  The CT showed activity in the hip area, but no new activity since the last scan.  Whew!  Meaning my bone mets are stable.  Possible radiation... another cancer first for me.  I'll keep ya posted...