Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Another Nickname to List...

Over the years I have acquired quite the number of nicknames.  There's too many to go over ALL of them, but lets see, I'll name a few of the more recent nicknames that have been given to me.  First off, we have Grover.  I'm sure you all remember the lovable blue Muppet from Sesame Street???  Well, the best way I can describe how I run... google Grover's Near/Far episode... oh yeah, that's how I feel and look when I run!  It's not pretty!  Hmmmm, maybe that's why I played golf in high school?!?  Well, that AND it was the only thing I could kick my sister's ass in.  Gotta love sibling rivalry!  Okay, then there's the General.  In preparation for riding around one of "The Coolest" ranches in Texas, The Flying W, I "borrowed" (nice way of saying I stole thanks to my friend and accomplice Brandi) an "army like" camo hat from my friend Elizabeth.  Thanks for the hat EA!!  ;)  And then we have Magda... for my love of tanning and being in the sun.  If you've seen the movie There's Something About Mary, you'll know who I'm talking about!

So where am I going with all this???  Well, I've added a new nickname to the list that I wanted to share... I now introduce to you... Fatigued Frannie!!!  Yes folks, that's me!  As I'm vacationing in CO I've had to pick and choose what I'm able to do.  I've passed up fly fishing and golf among other fun activities, and as much as I would have liked to have participated in the fun... don't feel sorry for me!  I'm lovin' the fact that I'm sitting on an amazing porch, with an amazing view, in 60 degree weather... relaxing and reading my book.  A little R&R... I'm in heaven!  After last weeks liver biopsy adventure... I NEEDED this!! 
Fatigued Frannie signing off... oh, and no further results on the biopsy as of yet.  I'll be sure to keep you posted!

1 comment:

  1. I love the photograph and love that you are enjoying the R&R. I know that sitting in the cool mountain air is a great place to recover from the roughest of weeks. I am very happy that you're not stressed about not having the energy to go and do the other more exciting things. It sounds like you are truly living in the moment and loving it. Cheers to you, Casey!
