Okay, I know I'm getting some head scratches, confused and puzzled faces and a few "what the hell"s from some of you. So let me explain...
We're comparing this PET scan with my last PET scan and my last PET scan just so happened to be in July. Let the record reflect that I've changed chemo cocktails 4 times since then. 4 TIMES!! Obviously 3 of those cocktails were big flops with me... so you can imagine the lesions getting more and more pissed. It wasn't until I started this Carbo/Gemzar cocktail that 1. I started feeling better 2. My tumor marker started to go down and 3. We started to see improvements on my CT scans. Ideally it would have been nice to have a PET right before or at the time I started this new cocktail, but unfortunately insurance doesn't approve PET scans as often as CT scans. And just as a reminder, PET scans measure cancer activity and CT scans measure the actual size of the lesions. So there's really no way to compare this weeks PET scan with my last CT. It would be like comparing apples to oranges.
So yes, if I had a PET scan in November, we would have been seeing some ass kickin' results. Dr. H is confident that we're making progress on my current cocktail so we'll keep on truckin' and I'll continue to 1. Feel better 2. See my tumor marker go down and 3. See improvement on future CT AND PET scans.
Talk about being anticlimactic! Oh well, I'm back in the infusion room tomorrow. Whoa wait a second. What is today?!? Okay, I'm back in the infusion room on Monday. Sorry, that's not chemo brain, that's retired brain! Ha ha! So even though the results weren't ass kickin', I just know this new cocktail is kickin' some cancer ass!!
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