Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Big News

Yes, I have some big news to share!  This was a difficult decision to make, but I know it was the right decision to make. I've worked for the Travis County District Attorney's office for 11 years now and I've been extremely fortunate to have continued working since being diagnosed.  However when I found out that Travis County has a Disability Retirement... Well, I decided to retire!  I'm now planning to focus all that time and energy I was putting into work, into my health, feeling better and enjoying life!  And talk about an awesome way to kick off my retirement... I just spent a fun, relaxing weekend with family and friends.  Not too shabby if my complaints for the weekend are being sore from fly fishing and not being able to find an arrowhead... even though my mom and cousin were picking them up left and right (insert eye roll).  So yes, life is good and I'm ready to get out there and enjoy it (After I recover from chemo, of course).  I mean who knew I'd be retiring at 34?!  How exciting is that?!?  Too bad I had to get cancer to do it (insert Debbie Downer music), but you know what, it is what it is.

I don't know why I, or anyone else for that matter, has gotten this horrible disease. I've had my ups and downs, but thankfully at this time we're on the right track. My tumor marker has continued to go down on this Carbo/Gemzar cocktail and next week I'll have a PET scan, so yes, I'll be anxiously awaiting those results.  In the meantime I'm going to rest up after chemo this week and after that... get ready world!  I've got some living it up to do!

So a few quick stories...

You won't believe who I was sitting next to in the infusion room today and I have a witness to prove it (thanks again Angela). But I was sitting next to Charles Barkley!!  Maybe he's friends with this "Michael Jordan!"  Check this out...  Michael Jordan Nike Commercial

And I have to admit this, but at 7:30 this morning I got on I35 and saw the backed up traffic of so many Austinites trying to get to work.  I thought to myself... SUCKERS!!!  I'm retired!!  What, what!  Doing a little retirement dance in my car.  Oh... Wait... I'm on my way to my Oncologist's office to have Chemo...

Austinites going to work 1 - Casey 0

Oh well, at least a good song was on!  So don't worry, the dance party continued all the way to Tx Oncology!  I couldn't let a good song go to waste!  Yes, I was "that person" dancing in their car. If you saw me... You're welcome for making your day!  ;)

Take it easy my blog friends!  I'll keep you posted when I get my PET scan results and I'll try to keep you posted on my life as a retiree!!

We ran into this Hebronville Hottie!  Love ya Normita and loved the Hebronville tour!  

1 comment:

  1. Love it!!!! Congrats on the retirement! Can't wait for more fun adventures!! Love you!!!
