Friday, April 8, 2011

Fingers Crossed - 7 Days till CfR

In just 7 days, Casting for Recovery's retreat will begin.  Yes, I am still an alternate and No, I have not heard otherwise.  Fingers are crossed that I'll "get the call," but just in case I don't, I've already found out that there is another retreat being held in November in Glen Rose, Tx.  I'll just keep applying until they're sick of me!!! 
Other than that, I'm STILL celebrating the awesome results from my CT Scan.  I've had so many people ask what I've been up to... WELL, I'll tell ya about some of the really cool concerts I've been to... During the Austin Rodeo I saw Joan Jett, Rick Springfield & Kevin Fowler (rock star seats to all 3 of course... thanks EA).  Last weekend I saw Rotel and the Hot Tomatoes at a fundraiser for Communities in Schools down in New Braunfels (an amazing organization "dedicated to empowering students to stay in school and achieve in life").  And this week I was sitting high and mighty in a suite for Lady Gaga.  All so different... All so fun!!  Hmmmm, what else can I do to celebrate...

1 comment:

  1. Don't know about the rest of you, but these results made my day--month---year..............:) YOU GO CASEY!!
